First Taekwondo class – Yay and Ouch!

I had mostly given up on taekwondo classes due to lack of interested people. Now it seems I had been too quick to have lost hope. I met the trainer while returning home from office and he told me 2 more women had shown interest and we will be meeting up to decide timings, frequency etc on Sat morning. ‘Oh good’, I thought. “Maybe this will work out.”

And it did. First trial class was on Sunday morning 6-7. Now I am not really a morning person, but I’d like to be. So I got to the society park at 6 all eager to start. I basically collapsed after 15 minutes. Couldn’t even handle the stretches and the generic exercises. I was dizzy and there was a weird rushing noise in my ears. So I rested. 10 minutes rest (just trying to catch my breath), then attempt to follow along for 5 minutes and then again try n catch my breath. It wasn’t pretty at all.

But never mind. I am doing this for myself. For an exercise averse person like me, I think I have done pretty well in coming back to my pre pregnancy weight (Not to mention I’ve been lucky as hell), but the stamina is just not there. So though I’d like to shave off another 3-4 Kgs off, I am more concerned with the lack of stamina and an exercise routine that feels doable. I know from the last time I tried taekwondo (that was way back in college.. more than 5 years back now) that the first day experience was not exactly a surprise. It was however slightly worse than last time. That time I managed to last for half an hour I think… 

Anyway, I know that things will improve after around 5-10 more classes. I’ll be able to feel myself making progress on my fitness related goals. So even though the muscles throughout my body are twinging and hurting, I am hopeful. Yay for a fitness activity non-exercisers like me can get behind 🙂


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