The last 2 Weeks

This seems to be turning into a bad habit. I guess It’d be more precise to say that this is a habit which I haven’t been able to get past. I again took too long to return here. But I shouldn’t be too hard on myself, it was a space of over 3 weeks last time and this time it’s 2 weeks ๐Ÿ˜› Maybe the posting interval will eventually come down to a few days… I hope to be able to post at least weekly eventually.. Let’s see how long the process takes ๐Ÿ™‚

I don’t have much updates to post though. I did meet up with a very good friend of mine from college. I had to attend a cousin’s wedding out of town, and decided to turn a social obligation I wasn’t much looking forward to into an opportunity to catch up with her. Do you sometimes feel that though we don’t really talk about anything profound when we meet friends after a long time, it still feels so nice to just chat about random stuff.. ๐Ÿ™‚ So good times in all.

The stay at my cousin’s wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, mainly ‘coz Minion was along this time ๐Ÿ™‚ He had so much fun exploring the new place (while I was practically shadowing him to stop him from sending some knick knack crashing to the floor). Many of my relatives met Minionย for the first time there and he was most assuredly a hit.. He toddled around, danced a bit on DJ night, made cute faces and followed pretty girls around ๐Ÿ˜› That’s not to say he wasn’t cranky at all, or didn’t fuss, but considering that it was a new place with lots and lots of strangers, he coped remarkably well.. Ok enough boasting about him ๐Ÿ™‚

DH couldn’t attend the wedding though he did manage to make it to the engagement the previous day (Arranged marriages in India often hold the engagement ceremony just a day before the wedding). Minion and I stayed there for 3 full days and returned home only about 2 days back. A nice enough break from work.

Work’s slow this week so mostly working on Secretaire. Aim to post soon about that in more detail soon..


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