Priorities and Life Goals II – The Current Situation

So in thematic continuation of my last post, I’ve been revisiting my goals, priorities etc the last few days (maybe weeks? Seems like this is something that sort of keeps going on in the background…), and it’s been interesting…

As expected, there wasn’t much of a change in the core values, health, happiness, family and financial security are still the major themes. However I spent some more time analysing where I am and figuring out some kind of tentative plan given the current situation. Many of these realisations are not sudden, but it helps to collect all pertinent inputs at one point. So that is the focus of this post – evaluating and summarising the CURRENT SITUATION. Without having a clear view of that, I don’t think there’d be much sense in deciding on a plan, either short OR medium term.

So here’s a quick recap of my thoughts (in no particular order of importance), and my internal comments about them 😛 (for interest you may look at this post to compare with earlier versions 🙂 )

  1. I’ve confirmed that I learning something concrete is something I enjoy. It really energises me. That ought to have been obvious!
  2. I enjoy getting to pick technologies I’d work on for a project. But it’s probably too much to expect this level of freedom in all professional situations.
  3. I hate living in a rented apartment and would willingly move to a smaller place which was my own and where I’d be free to customise things my way. Maybe it’s just me, but I just can’t seem to summon up interest in prettifying our current place, even though it’s got potential. Relatively stupid point I know, but it’s really become a source of irritation lately.
  4. I am not happy with our finances. More specifically, I’m not happy with mine. Need to improve my earnings and better manage expenses, savings and investments.
  5. Thus, for starters, I need a new, better paying job. The current one has been great as regards flexibility and learning opportunity and was heaven sent when I was expecting Minion, despite the huge pay-cut I agreed to. But it’s no longer suiting. Apart from the finances, there hasn’t been much learning going on either for the last few months.
  6. However I’m also concerned about how it’d affect Minion. As the situation stands today, DH is frequently out of the city, and gets home pretty late. The crèche we use is working out great but the work load, timings and location might not work with a new job. Note concerns here and recognise that you’ll have to balance the relevant factors to the best extent possible. Now move on.
  7. The waking up early thing is still not consistently successful. What is wrong with you? This item has been on your focus list since last 5 years at least. Even if you find it difficult to get up early naturally, there’s just no other option! Where else will you find time for stuff you want to do?
  8. Taekwondo has been off to a good start but I can notice some slacking off lately. I know it’s hard. And it hurts to do everything after a class.. But if you let it fall away yet again.. you know it’ll make you feel worse. Not to mention it’s the only consistent time you work your body beyond the basic walking and lifting groceries deal. So chin up.
  9. I love secretaire – the concept of it, figuring out how to build it, actually working on it. So try and not let it fall through the cracks coz of the other stuff going on.
  10. I still love the ‘idea’ of writing.. But that is probably just clouding the scenario. I doubt you have the time or energy or the ideas or the discipline to pursue this right now. Postpone this for now and re-evaluate next time. And since next time here probably means in a few months max, don’t whine, we’ll eventually get to this too (hopefully :P)

That’s it for the sitrep. Will have a new post soon about drafting a short/medium term plan given current concerns.


One thought on “Priorities and Life Goals II – The Current Situation

  1. Pingback: Priorities and Life Goals III – The Plan | Coffee, Spice & Ink

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